Using code samples form Adafruit I've managed to get my PWM/Servo Driver up and running pretty quickly and soon I was spinning my motors up and down.
Then came accelerometer and the gyro. I've manager to get the accelerometer working but gyro data didn't make sense. I've tried reading the data sheet and using my own code to read the sensor data. I've also tried porting Adruino code to Raspberry, but somehow I couldn't get the gyro working. Now thinking back, I think it might have been something as simple as missing rad/s to deg/s conversion.
Nonetheless I tried to get my quad flying without sensors or flight controller of any kind. Needless to say, it's a terrible idea. Shredded my first set of rotors and parked the project indefinitely.
In the next post I'll cover my current quadcopter status and perhaps will post a video or two.
Got the LEDs nice and blinking. Motors spinning. Gyro no worky. Crashed. Project - on hold
Happy Hacking!